So many issues...

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So many issues...

Post by boiler02 »

Printer - 3DP-11-ATL, stock firmware

So far, I'm sure I'll have more, I'm having issues with the z-axis and the extruder.

1) Even with the nozzle temp at ~212 (PLA) the extruder just doesn't want to push anything through. Not sure if it's a jam or what.
2) The default z-axis is just below the bed, so as soon as I start a print the nozzle i scratching off the painters tape and leaving marks on the aluminum bed.

Any help would be appreciated!
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Re: So many issues...

Post by boiler02 »

I just took the extruder fan off the stepper motor and tried to move the extruder motor via the LCD. Nothing happened.
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Re: So many issues...

Post by Roberts_Clif »

You have to be at least the Thickness of a piece of paper above the bed or you will plug the nozzle with aluminum from the bed.

I have two Hictops both print perfect between 190-200C, 12volt and a 24Volt.
The extruder stepper motor will not function unless you are at least 170C or higher, it is a firmware safety feature.
More likely than not you have plugged the extruder by dragging it across the hotbed. And need to clean or replace it.

To check if the extruder is plugged heat the hot-end while is is above the bed surface 20mm or so.
1. Make sure that the filament feeds to the Hot-end and not stopped by the cooling block. make sure you are feeding about 60mm of filament into the extruder, any less and you are not at the nozzle.
2. When the hot-end reaches 198C while holding the Clamp for the filament like you are feeding it into the extruder. Push the filament into the extruder and see if if extrudes any filament. If not your extruder is plugged and needs replacing, or cleaned.

Cleaning tools can be purchased. I however purchased a set if extremely small drill bits. that were designed for the nozzle.

3. After the extruder extrudes a little filament, and you still have the hot-end at 198C try to extrude a little using the LCD controls.
Remember that the Lcd menu control will extrude or retract you can a hold the filament to see what direction it is traveling.
4. try to print something making sure that the extruder nozzle is at least .2mm above the bed and tape. If there is still no extrusion.
5. Check the direction of the extruder stepper motor My first Hictop the stepper was turning backwards.
This can be done by temporally removing the extruder heater block fan and watching the direction of the extruder stepper motor. while printing any 3D model.

The first thing I printed with my printer was a way to adjust the Z-Axis height accurately. So I purchased a SN04-N proximity sensor and 3D Printed a Bearing mounted adjustable proximity sensor slide mount with thumb screw. This allows me to adjust the height of the nozzle by micro millimeters.

you may need to adjust the stepper motor current watch this video

Last edited by Roberts_Clif on August 23rd, 2018, 7:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: So many issues...

Post by boiler02 »

The kit I bought off of Amazon actually came with a z-axis sensor: Sensor. I guess I'm just not sure how to calibrate it or properly position it.

I eventually got the printer to work, but printing directly on the aluminum plate, not tape (printing PLA). Still, I definitely need to run some calibration on it and get everything dialed in, then figure out the best extrude percentage and temp for my spools.
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Re: So many issues...

Post by Roberts_Clif »

Start Here This is a Slide for your SN04-N. They require a long 3mm screw and small spring with a top thumb screw to adjust.

No firmware changes are required it simply plugs into the Z-End stop socket.

If your proximity sensor needs wired follow instructions.
Using a Endstop wire with connector
Use heat shrink tubing on all wires. I also include a larger shrink tube to cover all connection into one tube
Solder the wires to this order

White wire solders to the Blue = Normally open pin //top wire
Red Wire solders to the Black = 0 volt pin //middle wire
black wire solders to the Brown = 10-30V supply pin //bottom wire // closet to LCD connectors

Hictops are also prone to wobble on the z_smooth rods your first print should be here.
Last edited by Roberts_Clif on September 15th, 2017, 2:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: So many issues...

Post by boiler02 »

The wiring for the sensor came done for me already, so there's that.

I'm considering flashing Marlin 1.1.0-RC5 using the configuration.h found here:,656276 , as a starting point. I suppose I could jump right to the most recent release, 1.1.5, but it looks like you're having issues with it Clif.
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Re: So many issues...

Post by Roberts_Clif »

Not really issues. It displays " Endstops Z " after I Auto home. Have not figured out Why, have asked GitHub.

Thou does not stop the 3D Printer for doing everything it is supposed to do

Have asked the Question here and here

Newest version that has no errors is 1.1.0-RC8-HIC Updated. I really like the new features on 1.1.5 and still use it on one Printer.
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Re: So many issues...

Post by boiler02 »

Oh sweet baby Jesus, I am about ready to put this thing through a window....

I've spent the last two hours screwing with it and it won't do a damn thing right.

Came home to try to print some stuff, figured I'd get everything heated up and ready to go. I manually turned the temp up, waiting for it to get to the setpoint, and manually extruded....well I would have if anything had come out. Nothing, notta, zilch. By the time the nozzle has heated up to temp (210ish), the part of the filament inside the nozzle will flow out, but the part just above it breaks and then mis-aligns. Extruder motor runs, filament goes no where. So I take off the fan and heatsink, push more filament down into the nozzle (still heated), flow a little out so it's going, and by the time I get the fan and heatsink back on....same. mother. effing. issue.

So, all the stupid thing does is draw a neat little pattern in the blue tape.

I am honestly raging over here.
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Re: So many issues...

Post by boiler02 »

Jesus Christ... Now I'm getting "Heating failed" and the unit won't do anything. Note - I took off the fan and heatsink so I could get at the extruder faster.
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Re: So many issues...

Post by Roberts_Clif »

Hang the Filament Over the Power Supply It will warm it enough so it will not break as easily.
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Re: So many issues...

Post by Roberts_Clif »

You can't run it very long without the Fan or you will get "Heating failed" error.
So I modified the Front fan to cool a second heat sink on the throat.

Seen here
Oh! I even tried to print with PLA Printed Bearings Lasted 8 months then failed
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Re: So many issues...

Post by Roberts_Clif »

Tell you a short story.

I bought my first 3D Printer it arrived, this is the good part.
No CD, No Instruction Manual, Missing parts. Could not get the Manufacture to talk to me.
When they did they wanted to sell me the Parts, they did not believe that they were missing or Bad.

If it was not for a single You-tube Video I found this printer would be a boat anchor at the bottom of the Columbia river.
Watch the Videos, they made me want to finish.





will help you through to the finish line guarantee.
Nine months later found some at the manufacture they sent me the missing parts.

Purchased 2nd Printer guess what, the Same Printer just 1 Year newer. Did not want to go thru that again.
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Re: So many issues...

Post by Roberts_Clif »

My 3d Spool Holder Model
hictop spool holder 2017.stl
(66.78 KiB) Downloaded 523 times
Browse my others post for other Models for the 3DP11/3DP12 Aluminum
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Re: So many issues...

Post by boiler02 »

I'm really at a loss here...

I got everything re-assembled after replacing the bearings and all looked ready to go. I went to print a calibration cube and ran into my old friend "not a damn thing is extruding". Nozzle is at temp (200), filament seems to be seated in the extruder motor and should be making it down to the pipe, but when I hit "Print", nothing comes out. The carriage goes through the motions like it's printing, so at least that works. When I take off the fan/heatsink, I can get it to manually extrude using the console. By the time I get the fan back on, the z-axis back at 0, and hit print...something goes "eff you buddy" and nothing comes out.

I'm genuinely starting to regret buying this thing.
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Re: So many issues...

Post by boiler02 »

When controlled manually (via the console->move axis) the extruder motor runs just fine. If I try to run with the e-motor's fan off (so I can see the motor) the thing bitches at me about the temp and shuts down. It's almost as if once the fan is attached, it's cooling the heat break so much, the pipe doesn't warm enough to extrude. But, at the same time, the temp always reads correctly.
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