OctoPi produces weak prints

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OctoPi produces weak prints

Post by kenmullins64 »

I have a Crealtor CR-10 and have just migrated to Octopi for wireless printing. Ever since I migrated I am getting really weak prints that crumple in my hand even with 80% infill. There seems to be layers missing so it looks like and extrusion issue. I tried to calibrate the extrusion using this method https://mattshub.com/blog/2017/04/19/ex ... alibration but it didn't want to play. After adjusting the rate of extrusion it either went too far or not far enough.

So to see if it was an issue with the new setup I kept all the same configuration and used Cura 3.2.1 to print to usb rather than gcode file. The results are great from a usb print with the same settings.

What could be going wrong?

As a side note, I wanted to add some plugins to Octopi but it says I have a power issue so won't allow plugin additions. I have tried a number of different wall warts going up to 2 Amps and have even got a USB Volt/Amp display which tells me the Raspberry Pi 3+ never draws more than .8 Amp. Could this be an issue?
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Re: OctoPi produces weak prints

Post by Country_Bubba »

I think you nailed it when you talk about the power issue. I was having the same type of things happening and getting the low voltage warning. In my case, I was using a buck converter rated at 3 amps being fed off my main power supply. Used a short (less than 2") micro usb cable to power the pi. Checked voltage at the output of the buck converter and it never dropped below the 5.1 VDC that I had set it to. So ordered another cable with the correct plug on it but with heavier 20 gage wires. Again made the length of this cord as short as possible to minimize IR losses and the problem was solved.

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Re: OctoPi produces weak prints

Post by Roberts_Clif »

I basically had the same problems, although when I printed using Octopi I was using Octolapse.
Other than that I always print using the SD Card.

Maybe if I tried a better Power supply I could get better print results.

Octolapse vs SD card print
Material ABS - Octolapse Left vs SD Card Right.
SD vs OctoLapse 2.jpg

Supply I used was for a Raspberry Pi 5volt 2.5 amp
So do you believe a better supply would make a better print.
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Re: OctoPi produces weak prints

Post by LePaul »

The right power supply would make some sense.

I know I bought my Raspberry Pi 3's as a bundle with SD and approved power supply
Here's the one I bought several of and suggest to others looking to get into Octoprint
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Re: OctoPi produces weak prints

Post by Roberts_Clif »

I was thinking about adding a 5V Regulator circuit to the 3D Printers power supply.
As do not use a Computer Power supply that comes with a 5 volt supply lead.
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Re: OctoPi produces weak prints

Post by GrueMaster »

Try just disabling Octolapse. I disabled it on my setup a while ago, (can't remember when), and haven't experienced any real issues recently. Sorry, I don't have better input on this, just my experience.

As to power, I am using the authentic Pi power supply. Had numerous issues with using high amp cell chargers (low voltage warnings being a bit one). The only other power source I found that works without issues (except heat output) is a POE hat and POE switch on the newer Pi's.
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Re: OctoPi produces weak prints

Post by Roberts_Clif »

Yes, know of this option. Though really like using OctoLapse.

Was even thinking about getting a new Raspberry 4 to see if the more powerful Pi 4 would correct for this.
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Re: OctoPi produces weak prints

Post by LePaul »

How fast are you pushing data to the printer? What speed are you printing?
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Re: OctoPi produces weak prints

Post by Roberts_Clif »

When starting a Print with 32-50% to get good bed adhesion. Then increase the speed too.
Normal print speeds from 70-100 percent in Cura = 8.0mm^3 per second to 11.0mm^3 per second.

When printing from the SD card have no problems maintaining these speeds, making great models.
When using Octolapse start getting the fuzzier finishes, still good models they just have a fuzzy finish.
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