Ender 3 pro issues

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Ender 3 pro issues

Post by Brkcady »

Wasnt sure to post this but hopefully I can get some help.

Long story short. Ender 3 pro. Always had an issue getting print to stick to the glass bed, but a glue stick fixed that. Made idk 3 or 4 prints all the same prints. Last print I did it finished and the print was super weak like it was crushing popcorn in my hand. So thought the pla was getting bad. So I bought hatchbox pla installed it leveled out the bed and began printing worked good but looked weird. It wasnt true white. But after a few mins the nozzle was dragging the print. Ive leveled the bed like 3 times thinking I was to close or something.
But honestly im not sure whats going on. See pics
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Re: Ender 3 pro issues

Post by LePaul »

You may have some filament that is full of moisture.

A filament dryer, or search for other ways to dry your filament, should help enormously.

Some of those bed surfaces are tough to deal with. Use IPA (isopropyl alcohol) to thoroughly wipe down the surface.

If your print is like "crushing popcorn", make sure you have calibrated the esteps and you have the right flow settings. That sounds like underextrusion. BUT...I'd also dry the material to rule out that being a factor.

Many good tips are here
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