Super hard nozzles - Test pilots

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Re: Super hard nozzles - Test pilots

Post by Meduza »

gr5: no, the one on the right will not fit the UM3 cores, the UM3 nozzle has a finer pitch thread and not exactly the same length. The one in the picture is made for E3D Volcano / Lulzbot MOARstruder.

We have gotten some requests for a 0.25, but we are not sure either if it really makes sense since 0.25 is too fine for most abrasive materials, and we prefer to only release products that are thoroughly tested and have a real world use.
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Re: Super hard nozzles - Test pilots

Post by gr5 »

I agree. I have a few .25mm but haven't sold any. Ruby is good for abrasive materials and those are more likely to clog a .25mm.

So are you working for 3dverkstan now?
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Re: Super hard nozzles - Test pilots

Post by Izzy »

Agree with you both there guys, some materials with additives need 0.5mm nozzles, I can't really imagine successfully printing with a 0.25, or even a 0.3mm the likely hood of a collision of partials causing a blockage is greatly increased with the reduced CSA, (perhaps some information on the size and tolerance of the milled grains used for the fill would be handy) particular unless the filament producers are going to increase the fineness of the milling of the partials which will greatly increase the cost, I can't see the market.
I have been running test with a 0.15 nozzle which prints well with good quality PLAs and the like, but at the moment have not got a good quality piece with a 0.1mm nozzle, although I need to test it with Nylon and ABS.
Having sad that, look back at the development in the filaments that has happened over the last 10 years and how 3dprinting has developed, who knows what may be around the corner for the next year.
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Re: Super hard nozzles - Test pilots

Post by Meduza »

@@gr5 i do work for 3DVerkstan part-time since a while ago, with a focus on the Olsson Ruby nozzles and other product developments. I still run my engineering company Cederb AB the rest of the time :-)
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Re: Super hard nozzles - Test pilots

Post by LePaul »

Is there a change log of updates that have been made to the Ruby Nozzle? I saw a negative review on YouTube and tho it was a few years old, he had some intriguing points.
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Re: Super hard nozzles - Test pilots

Post by gr5 »

Was he complaining that it was weak and he torqued it into two pieces with little effort? If so they listened and include torque wrenches now (with every nozzle? not sure). 3dsolex rubies are much tougher because the ruby is held in a completely different way. But really olsson rubies are plenty strong.
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Re: Super hard nozzles - Test pilots

Post by LePaul »

gr5 wrote: March 13th, 2021, 9:40 pm Was he complaining that it was weak and he torqued it into two pieces with little effort? If so they listened and include torque wrenches now (with every nozzle? not sure). 3dsolex rubies are much tougher because the ruby is held in a completely different way. But really olsson rubies are plenty strong.
Hey George, Long time no see!

Is the inner pathway more like a conventional nozzle now?
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Re: Super hard nozzles - Test pilots

Post by gr5 »

No it's the same. 0.4mm and larger ruby nozzles have 2 or 3 pathways to warm the filament thoroughly. Cold pull still works fine despite this.
0.25mm ruby has no internal pathway as your flow rates are slow low anyway that you get thorough heating without the extra paths.

I see your posts on Facebook occasionally so I feel like we've chatted even though we haven't. I saw you had a new GF and the post about coffee filter last march was sooo funnyy!!!!! I laughed so hard and also shared in your misery a little. bitter sweet. I shared that comment with so many people! Without mentioning your name or anything. I shared it verbally, not digitally. Anyway I think maybe on balance with the new job and all, 2021 was "your year" despite covid?
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Re: Super hard nozzles - Test pilots

Post by LePaul »

I'm trying to remember my coffee filter misery! :)

2021, despite it all, has been good. Full time job in 3D Printing is really amazing, giant printers at that!

Still have a fleet of machines at home for my many projects. I was toying with equipping one with Anders' nozzle or E3D's NozzleX for trying CF nylon.

My UM 2+ is still a printing champ. I wish it had an upgrade path to quieter stepper drivers!
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Re: Super hard nozzles - Test pilots

Post by gr5 »

Last March 2020, you said something like "In january I thought 'this is my year' and today I'm wiping my ass with a coffee filter!"

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Re: Super hard nozzles - Test pilots

Post by gr5 »

CF Nylon is great but it can ruin not just your nozzle, but also your feeder so get a bondtech feeder first (hardened feeder gears).
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Re: Super hard nozzles - Test pilots

Post by LePaul »

A majority of my machines are using direct drive. All Bondtech products. I also need to get an enclosure for a few machines

Ah the coffee filters... :D
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Re: Super hard nozzles - Test pilots

Post by ivan.akapulko »

Some new ideas in progress: lightweit Ti gears and linear bearings and thermalinsulation coating for Ti nozzels. Anyone ever try carbonfiber rods for XY printers?
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