Counter rotation wind turbine devices

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Joined: February 11th, 2023, 9:49 am
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Counter rotation wind turbine devices

Post by esposcar »

It has been developed new much big 3d new innovative wind turbine devices since the last post, in this case it carries with the devices the philosophy of counter rotation technology. Compared to our last post nearly 2 years later, we created a new concept of counter rotation devices including vertical and horizontal versions. It has been developed a planetary gearbox system that provides a higher torque and more improved efficiency with a new innovative design that for a portable wind turbine is able to multiply the RPM of the generator/s by 8. This gearbox system also avoids gears backlash and provides a high power density with a light weight & compact design that occupies less space. The device can be configure to expand the diameter of the turbine blades therefore achieving more torque or it can be shortened and reduced to a one single conventional turbine blade ring in order to obtain more rpm with strong winds conditions. It is very easy to assemble and it can be taken to any place disassembling it. It can use different type of DC/AC motors for ranges from 50W up to 350W and there is a version that can hold up to 4 DC/AC motors but will be available in the launch of the campaign, not now. Accessible in digital and physical versions.

Trailer video presentation:

Horizontal counter rotation prototype wind tests:

If you liked the video presentation follow us in our new kickstarter prelaunch, we will suprise you ... ds-project
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