Motors X and Y don´t move when printing

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Motors X and Y don´t move when printing

Post by John29 »

Hi. I has a novate and I has a new Me Creators 2 and I test the stepper motors with Repeiter Host and all ok in the test but when printing the extruder go to Home and printing only in Home location. In repeiter Host Manual Control I see the positión of the extruder painting the model but in the printer the extruder don´t move X and Y location. Only Z Axis.

I don´t know how resolve this and I need help. Thank you.
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Re: Motors X and Y don´t move when printing

Post by Roberts_Clif »

Sorry so long to get help!

Could you make a short video'.
Could you post a link to short video to google drive or what ever you storage for online is.
This will give us a better ideal of what could be going on.
The video should include sound.

I know that if for some reason my slicer is setup to a configuration that is not supported by my 3D printer will act badly.
Last edited by Roberts_Clif on January 20th, 2025, 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Adding a PEO - PET stainless steel filament to my printer.

Post by Williamdiate »

Has anyone tried using a PEO - PET stainless steel filament in their 3D printer? How did it affect print quality and nozzle wear? Any tips or recommendations for optimal settings when using this unique filament?",
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