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Re: Firmware for Hictop 3DP08

Posted: April 13th, 2019, 11:22 pm
by EJC
I did it!!! I changed the line in the file.....
No,It did not give me any kind of an error. This is how I got it opened. The video shows him dragging and dropping the .ino file into the Arduino program. (That didn't work) So I opened the .ino file and all the tabs were there. I went to the "configuration.h tab" paged down until I found the line and changed it. I then saved it. Reopened it and it had saved my change. Proud of myself.
Now is the file ready for me to download to my printer?

Re: Firmware for Hictop 3DP08

Posted: April 14th, 2019, 8:42 am
by Roberts_Clif
Here is what I do when I create a new Marlin File. "Save As" to a different directory In your case chose " Marlin_3DP08_3DP11_2560_E1_ "


This way you can keep all your changes in separate file folders indefinitely, an in the name you note that it is 2560 lead-screw.
1st - You need to compile to see it their are any errors.
2nd - You can create the Hex file and or Upload from Arduino IDE or using the Hex file the same way yo uploaded to other hex file.
...First thing when uploading the compiled file is to set your 3D Printer port.
...With the 3D Printer connected via USB, Click Tools and select the correct serial port of your 3D Printer.
...Compile and Upload.

Re: Firmware for Hictop 3DP08

Posted: April 14th, 2019, 10:17 am
by EJC
I did get a error when I compiled the file. I tried to attrach a word file showing the error. I hope it works.
If not the error was: Write(Kill_Pin,High);

(14.58 KiB) Downloaded 534 times

Re: Firmware for Hictop 3DP08

Posted: April 14th, 2019, 3:16 pm
by Roberts_Clif
This step slipped my mind.

You have to select Board> Programmer Arduino Mega 2560 or Mega ADK


You have to select Tools > Programmer AVIRSP mkII


Re: Firmware for Hictop 3DP08

Posted: April 14th, 2019, 4:55 pm
by EJC
Well I got the firmware loaded to my printer. The Z axis is moving like it should.
But the extruder motor is not moving. I can go to move axis and try to move the extruder with the knob. Nothing.
I put a new motor on the extruder. It still want move.
Is there anything in the firmware that I need to change?
Thanks for the help. I'm almost there...

Re: Firmware for Hictop 3DP08

Posted: April 14th, 2019, 5:45 pm
by Roberts_Clif
The extruder stepper will not move until the temperature is at least 170C or better.

This is a firmware cold extrude prevention, there is a G-Code that can be sent to the Printer to allow for Cold extrude.

Code: Select all

M302 ; report current cold extrusion state
M302 P0 ; enable cold extrusion checking
M302 P1 ; disable cold extrusion checking
M302 S0 ; always allow extrusion (disable checking)
M302 S170 ; only allow extrusion above 170
M302 S170 P1 ; set min extrude temp to 170 but leave disabled


Simply preheat the hot-end to filament temperature and extrude with or without filament...

Re: Firmware for Hictop 3DP08

Posted: April 14th, 2019, 6:42 pm
by EJC
Well I don't no if that's my problem.
I ran a simple print with my cooling fan off where I could see the motor shaft and gear that drives the filament.
The temp was at 200 deg. I let the print run and watched it never ran.

Re: Firmware for Hictop 3DP08

Posted: April 14th, 2019, 7:39 pm
by Roberts_Clif
What extruder is the hot-end connected to E0 or E1 has it been unplugged.

By the way what is the Model number on the 3D Printer controller card you have.
I am going to Flash this on my 3D Pinter wait!!!

Re: Firmware for Hictop 3DP08

Posted: April 14th, 2019, 8:26 pm
by Roberts_Clif
OK Returned found the Problem, they changed the extruder from E0 to E1.
You can unplug the Stepper from E0 then Plug it into E1 and it should work.

Strange thing is I looked at the Code it look OK, must have a way to switch extruder's I don't know about yet!!.

Re: Firmware for Hictop 3DP08

Posted: April 14th, 2019, 9:12 pm
by EJC
She's printing. I can't believe it. I didn't think it would ever print again. And I was not getting any help from the tech support.
Sir, I can't thank you enough. Your patience with me was incredibly nice. I am going to give you the highest marks that I possibly can.
I have already bragged about the help I was getting to others that I know that likes to 3D print. I would have never, never figured out how to go inside that firmware and make the changes. I would have not known what to change if I did get inside. Thanks you using sharing knowledge with others.
Again Thank You,

Re: Firmware for Hictop 3DP08

Posted: April 14th, 2019, 9:30 pm
by Roberts_Clif
Now that you have your 3D Printer working you can feel free to post some of your Models in the " Show off your latest Prints " thread.

Remember we still have lots for you to learn here so do not be a stranger. Feel free to ask any question you have about 3D Printing.

Re: Firmware for Hictop 3DP08

Posted: April 15th, 2019, 10:33 am
by Roberts_Clif
Found the Problem!
In Chip Lucks Firmware and most other Marlin firmware - pins_RAMPS_14.h the pins are

Code: Select all

   #define E0_STEP_PIN        26
   #define E0_DIR_PIN         28
   #define E0_ENABLE_PIN      24

   #define E1_STEP_PIN        36
   #define E1_DIR_PIN         34
   #define E1_ENABLE_PIN      30
In Hictop Marlin_3DP08_3DP11_398___E1 - pins.h the pins are reversed between E0 and E1

Code: Select all

    #define E0_STEP_PIN        36
    #define E0_DIR_PIN         34
    #define E0_ENABLE_PIN      30

    #define E1_STEP_PIN        26
    #define E1_DIR_PIN         28
    #define E1_ENABLE_PIN      24
I will correct in my " Marlin_3DP08_3DP11_2560_E1_ " for the next time this firmware is needed.

Re: Firmware for Hictop 3DP08

Posted: March 25th, 2020, 2:26 pm
by buzz
Just a shout out for the great response you provided on this topic a year ago. I've learned a lot by following this thread. Though I am an old man, I am still a newbee and have a problem. (old dog, new tricks problem, I suspect!) My 3DP08 extruder works from the LCD panel but does not advance filament from the SD or USB. I recently uploaded the firmware from the HICTOP website to Marlin_3DP08_3DP11_398___E1_. Any idea what I may be doing wrong? Also, I have the original T8 z-axis. Is the conversion to the newer rods an easy transition? Thanks again for the great responses.
Best Regards,

Re: Firmware for Hictop 3DP08

Posted: March 25th, 2020, 4:49 pm
by Roberts_Clif
Hello @buzz

And welcome to 3D Printing Forum...

If you would start a new thread with some basic information.
Upload your Firmware to a share like Google Drive and post a link.
Include what you have done and what you want to accomplish.
Would be more than happy to use all the knowledge I have, and know other 3D Printer forums users will help.

Sounds like you would like to upgrade to a newer lead screw and better firmware.
If you have read posts for the Hictop 3DP11/12 you should have learned most are compatible with 3DP08.

I too am a old dog (what am I saying, retired is not old just mature, wiser and a
"A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”)