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Sequential Printing

Posted: April 3rd, 2020, 12:25 pm
by Roberts_Clif
Today I decide to setup Sequential Printing an I deturmined this was some kind of a cruel trick.

After setting it up the head size deturmined that by using Cura I could not allow more than one Benchy.
Tried another slicer, I setup Raise3D Ideal Maker this was somewhat easier to setup and to understand.

Loaded three models for a test to determine the Hictop 3D Printers have too large nozzle assembly.
Tried for what seemed forever to arrange them on the bed as to achieve multiple models with no luck.

It would not allow me to slice more than one model as it said the other one was in the way.
This is not true! as I set three on the bed an it should have allowed the slice but would not.

Now for a question?

Has anyone set this up to work with a Hictop 3DP08-17
Below is my setup for the three Benchy's I believe should have worked...


Re: Sequential Printing

Posted: April 4th, 2020, 10:47 am
by GrueMaster
I just ran a quick experiment to see if my 3DP-17 would do it, using Cura 4.5. I may need to adjust the print head dimensions, but it seems to be ok. I set the printhead dimensions by measuring from the printhead in each direction. Not very accurate, but close.

Re: Sequential Printing

Posted: April 4th, 2020, 1:23 pm
by Roberts_Clif
I see you set the Gantry height to 180mm.
I thought this was the height of the X-Axis smooth rods, when at 0,0,0 home to allow clearance for models.


Did I miss something.

Re: Sequential Printing

Posted: April 5th, 2020, 10:37 am
by GrueMaster
I think that was the default. When I set it to the real height when the nozzle is on the build plate (~35mm), it refuses to print. This actually makes sense in some respects, because the SW is designed for printers like the Ultimaker series, where the gantry is a fixed height and the build plate moves up and down. Not sure how to change that notion. Will look into.

Re: Sequential Printing

Posted: April 5th, 2020, 10:46 am
by GrueMaster
I can't change the SW to think the gantry isn't an issue. So I put it back to 180. If the print head dimensions are correct, Cura will draw a shadow box around each object, and not allow the shadows to touch. If the shadows overlap, then one of the touching models will be removed.

Re: Sequential Printing

Posted: April 5th, 2020, 11:27 am
by Roberts_Clif

Thank you for looking into this for me.
I will set mine to 190mm for my Z-Max to test print.
An will try to learn more about how to configure for a gantry that could get in the way ...


Re: Sequential Printing

Posted: April 5th, 2020, 11:55 am
by Roberts_Clif
Well hold on.

here is an over head view of an Ultimaker.
What is the Height with the bed at top of Z-Axis is the two shown smooth rods.

Re: Sequential Printing

Posted: December 11th, 2023, 5:04 pm
by Mr SNG
I realise this topic is a few years old now, but just recently I had to scratch my head over the printer settings myself. Anyway I came across this video that explains how to set your printer up correctly to do sequential printing.

I hope it helps someone as it did me! ;-)