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It got really quiet in can we fix that?

Posted: January 31st, 2021, 7:28 pm
by LePaul
Looking for ideas!

Re: It got really quiet in can we fix that?

Posted: February 1st, 2021, 1:41 am
by Lez0
What projects are people working on?
My 3D printing is quiet at the moment, but I have a few ideas.

Re: It got really quiet in can we fix that?

Posted: February 1st, 2021, 7:35 am
by Roberts_Clif

It has gotten very quite on all forum's, its like summer break!!!

Re: It got really quiet in can we fix that?

Posted: February 1st, 2021, 6:50 pm
by LePaul

Well I've been busy using my PrintDry Pro filament dryer. I have many rolls sitting on the bakers rack. I noticed using them I would have some stringing. Once dried out, no issues. So...I can do 4 rolls at a time and I set the PLA to 55C and 5 hours. When done, seal in a cereal box (airtight) container with a few packets of decissicant

My big FT-6 is printing well using the Duet SKR and the E3D Hemera. I still have a few tweaks to make to my Simplify3D profile.

And another printer, with similar dimensions, is on it's way to me. It will be a fun Live Build, doing a section each evening. I hate videos that are super long so I try to do builds in segments under 2 hours.

I'm still debating dabbling into the world of resin 3D Printing. The newest machine from Phrozen has a good print volume and looks interesting.

That's my fun this week!

Re: It got really quiet in can we fix that?

Posted: February 2nd, 2021, 7:50 am
by Roberts_Clif
Without using moisture Eliminator I would have to make or purchase a filament dryer.
Though have kept my filament about 14 rolls in every large storage container with one, replacing every 6 months.

These are found at my local dollar stores.
Moisture Eliminator.jpg

Re: It got really quiet in can we fix that?

Posted: February 2nd, 2021, 4:00 pm
by LePaul
That's fine if you are storing material that's dry.

I haven't seen any data that shows those actively push the moisture out of wet material, tho.

I've also seen cabinets, as used for photography, that keep equipment dry. But, it doesn't actively pull the moisture out.

Re: It got really quiet in can we fix that?

Posted: February 2nd, 2021, 5:42 pm
by Roberts_Clif
I have been using these sense beginning 3D Printing. An still can not tell you if they remove moisture from filament.
A soon as the filament waterproof package is opened they are then placed in a container with a moisture Eliminator.

I live in the Channeled Scablands of eastern Washington a desert that gets less than eight inches of rain a year.
An even with so little humidity can fill a moisture Eliminator storage area in 6 months inside a sealed storage container.

I know that if you live in an area the has a high humidity they work great keeping everything dry an clean smelling including your Car.
Nothing worse than getting into a hot car that smells musty or stinks...

Re: It got really quiet in can we fix that?

Posted: February 3rd, 2021, 6:35 pm
by LePaul
If you're interested, here's how it works with the dehydrator types

Also, I really like this Dr Vax guy