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Stringing (huge problem)

Posted: February 12th, 2023, 2:57 pm
by almarg123123
Hi! I own an Anycubic Chiron and I am experiencing a huge problem with stringing. The filament that I use is from Esun PLA+. I tried a lot of different combinations of temperatures, retraction distances and speeds, layer heights, z-hop on & off and many more. But the result is awful. Can someone help me?

Re: Stringing (huge problem)

Posted: February 13th, 2023, 4:17 pm
by LePaul
A few things to check -

1) The Chiron hot end is notoriously bad... I have one.
2) Make sure the filament is dry
3) esteps, temp tower , slicer flow settings and then retraction settings

A great resource -

Re: Stringing (huge problem)

Posted: February 13th, 2023, 5:05 pm
by almarg123123
Yeap I can see that... I tried to find out what estepes are or how to mesure them but I couldn't and also the roll that pulls the fillamets in or our scratches my filament a little bit even if I don't tight the spring..

Re: Stringing (huge problem)

Posted: February 13th, 2023, 5:07 pm
by almarg123123
even with flow settings I did the tests and I could find the sweet spot.. I was either too bad or just not good enough

Re: Stringing (huge problem)

Posted: February 13th, 2023, 5:35 pm
by LePaul
Did you do the slicer flow settings by printing some test cubes?

Re: Stringing (huge problem)

Posted: February 14th, 2023, 3:58 pm
by almarg123123
I downloaded pronterface connected my printer and when I printed the string test was much better I did the flow test whith the command to extrude 100mm and my mark was att 120mm and so I calibrate it. the thing now is that when I start the print, it starts very high. I pressed the command M851 Z0 then M500 but when I press M501 the Z Probe Offset is still at M851 Z-16.60.... I dont know how to change this