Printing life size objects/parts

Creality brand 3D Printers!
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Printing life size objects/parts

Post by sfxphil »

Im new here so first a little about me. I used to be in the film industry back when i lived in the UK. I owned Eagle Models ltd one of London's largest Special Effects Houses. My company worked on some of the original films like StarWars, Superman, Alien, James Bond and Batman.
We also produce 2400 TV commercials and hundreds of industrial prototypes for companys like Avon, IBM, Rolls Royce, ITC etc.

Anyway i have some questions as i would like to get into 3D printing, not for commercial use just for my own interests. I have been looking at some large printers from the UK and one from Israel. Most start at around $4000 and pass $15,000 which is way out of my comfort zone. But after looking at the Creality CR10-5 (500x500x500) i feel this may work if i print parts that could be joined together. What id like to know is what upgrades are recommended to enable me to print reliably in ABS and PLA, with as fine a detail as possible. Stuff like a larger heat pad, new hot end, and even getting rid of the bowden cable seem to be popular. Id also like to know if anyone has any inside info on Creality as to if they are planning a larger model or perhaps an upgraded version of the CR10-5 ? I hate it when i but something like a computer only to find that within a month a new model comes out. Thanks in advance for your help
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Re: Printing life size objects/parts

Post by LePaul »

TinyMachines sells the large CR-10 S-5 and sells the better bed heater and offers the Swiss Micro nozzles. I have not had a chance to use one, but if you search The Mighty Jabba on YouTube, he recently posted a fairly positive review of it (did not have those add ons, just he stock on from Gear Best)

The stock one sports the CR-10 (300 x 300) bed heater, so be aware of that.

Special Effects....awesome! I'm a big fan of all those movies...I still follow the Space 1999 model stuff on Facebook as well.

p.s. I really did a video inquiring about Large Scale Printers and here's the 4 that seemed to have the most potential to me!

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Re: Printing life size objects/parts

Post by sfxphil »

Thanks for the info
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Re: Printing life size objects/parts

Post by nilrog »

If you want to print large things without joining pieces together, and you have space, there is always the Hangprinter 😊

(The sky is the limit...)
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